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Revision as of 19:28, 16 March 2017 by D3rive (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the CEMU wiki!
official knowledge base for CEMU
Statistics: There are 1,239 articles, 4,099 users and 593 files.

What is CEMU?
CEMU is a highly experimental software which can emulate WiiU games on PC. It is currently in development.

These are public builds, if you want to get access to the latest builds one week before public launch, consider donating the developers on Patreon.

Other communities

Please join us on the compat.CEMU Discord server to have more direct access to Malkierian or Darkemaste for questions and suggestions.

Support the CEMU developers
If you want to support the developers, visit their Patreon: CEMU Patreon You'll get exclusive access to the Patreon-only build.


  • Create missing game pages using the given templates.
  • Send in your game test results at > [Submit Result] or edit them yourself on the game page.

New Pages
Please make sure, when creating a new game page, to use the Game template and read up on all of the Infobox documentation to make sure you're doing everything right. There is also a page creation tutorial to help you get started.