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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Graphic Packs

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Revision as of 04:14, 30 December 2017 by NoskLo (talk | contribs)
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FPS++ - Allows 100% normal game speed when below or above 30FPS.

30FPS Lock - Locks the Vsync Frequency to 30 in order to provide 30FPS instead of going over.

LWZX Crash Workaround - Used to fix crashes while playing.


Resolution Packs - Used to bump up texture resolutions. Can increase viewing quality on any display, even if you're on 1080p, 4k will look a lot better overall. They do have hefty performance costs if your GPU is not adequate for the job.

No Anti-Aliasing - Removes aliasing but makes edges of 3d objects pixilated and jaggy.

FXAA - Blurs over the entire image to try and smooth out lower resolutions.

Regular Shadows - Standard resolution shadows for everything.

High Shadows - High resolution shadows for everything.

Visual Mods

Clarity - A shader-based filter for color adjustments, like Reshade but without the glitches and performance hit. Use a preset included with the folder, read the instructions.

Contrasty - Doesn't support v1.4.0 or newer, supports older versions. Basically a Lite version of Clarity.

Monochromia Sin City - Special mod by Kiri. Try it out.

Divine Laser Beam Customizer - Can make their beams rainbow or different colors, or make them entirely invisible.

Glow Lights Color Mod - Changes the Orange and Blue colors of shrines and other stuff to be alternative colors.

Smooth Shrine Glow - Smoothes out the pixelated edges of shrines when using higher resolution graphic packs.

Pro+ HUD - When using the Pro HUD in the options in-game, lets all HUD elements be turned off.

Clean Camera Rune - Various intensities can be set up, but each have their own glitches. Used specifically when you want to go on a run taking HD images that are relatively clean without GUI elements instead of using an Invisible Link hard-mod.


Nvidia Explosion Smoke - Before, smoke effects would be rotated incorrectly and flat. This fixes that.

Square Kakariko Torch Shadows Fix - Lightsources appear boxy when reflecting on the ground, this fixes that.

AMD-labeled Packs - Contain whatever fix is generally mentioned. Used for AMD GPUs.