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The menu

menu sub-menu description
File Load Here you can load a game
Exit Exit the CEMU Emulator
Options Fullsceen Enable the Fullscreen mode of the emulator. Can be closed with ESC
Enable VSync The vertical refresh rate does not go over the monitor refresh rate.
Graphic packs Allows to enable and disable Graphic packs and check their status
Upscale Filter Options are Bilinear and Bicubic.
Fullscreen filter Options are Keep aspect ratio and Stretch.
GPU buffer cache accuracy Options are High (slow), Medium and Low (fast)
Audio settings Here you can set the audio volume
Input settings Here you can set the emulated controller. More infos here
Console region Set here the emulated console region. Recommended is to set to Auto Regions are (USA, Europe, Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan)
Console language Here you can set your console language setting. Supported languages are English, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Taiwanese.
CPU Mode Options are Single core interpreter and Single core recompiler (fast)
Timer Options are Cycle based timer and Host based timer (recommended)
NFC Scan NFC tag from file After you load a game you can scan the NFC tag from a *.bin, *.dat and *nfc file.
Debug Logging When you Enable Logging. You can choose to log Unsupported API calls, File access, Threat synchronization API, GX2 API and Audio API events . The log you find in the log.txt file in the Cemu installation folder.
Dump You can choose Textures and Shaders. Make sure to delete the contents of the shaderCache/ dirctory first as Cemu will not dump shaders that are already cached.
Render upside-down Here you can set the render mode upside-down.
Disable audio Here you can disable audio.
Disable streamout Here you can disable streamout.
View PPC threats Here you see the threats in CPU multi-core mode.
Help About Here you find the version info, authors and Patreon supporters.