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Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2

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Release date(s) JP January 31, 2013
NA February 7, 2013
PAL February 7, 2013
Compatibility PerfectPerfect
GameIDs Missing IDs
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Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 was released in Japan in December 2012 and it was released in North America and Europe in February 2013. Various episodes have been included from the original manga in addition to the Raoh storyline, such as that of the Celestial Emperor, the Land of Shura, and the final story revolving around Bat and Rin, allowing the game to faithfully recreate the battles between these captivating characters and their legendary martial arts.

Known Issues


Version 1.11.4: game only run in single core recompiler (US Version)

Gameplay Vidoes

Cemu 1.7.1 - Nvidia GPU
Cemu 1.7.1 - AMD GPU


Version OS Version Region CPU GPU Tester FPS Status Additional Notes
1.10.0f Windows 10 x64 USA Intel i7-6850k @ 3.67GHz Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 8GB OC UtterSpartan 14-60 Runs Using CemuHook and FenceHackSkip,no shader cache. Also using 2560x1440 graphic pack. Game runs ok when no particle effects are on screen, all menus function perfect. Upon any combat game drops to consistent 14-16 fps. Game locks on the cutscene after the fight with Zeed in Legend Mode, making game unfinishable. Work around may exist.
1.10.0f Windows 10 x64 USA Intel i3-6k @ 3.67GHz Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 8GB OC UtterSpartan 14-30 Playable Using CemuHook and FenceHackSkip,no shader cache. Also using 2560x1440 graphic pack. By using NVIDIA Inspector to limit the frame rate to thirty, cutscenes that lock the game are fixed. Constant FPS drops still. Sometimes messing with core affinity can improve framerate.
1.10.0f Windows 10 x64 USA Intel i7-6850k @ 3.67GHz Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 8GB OC UtterSpartan 14-30 Playable Using CemuHook and FenceHackSkip,no shader cache. Also using 2560x1440 graphic pack. By using NVIDIA Inspector to limit the frame rate to thirty, cutscenes that lock the game are fixed. Constant FPS drops still. Sometimes messing with core affinity can improve framerate.
1.10.0f Windows 10 x64 USA Intel i3-6100k @ 3.70GHz Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050ti 4GB OC Sse 20-40 Playable While in battle it lags from time to time could be considered Perfect if not for minor bugs but Playable from start to finish
Version OS Version Region CPU GPU Tester FPS Status Additional Notes
1.11.4 Windows 10 x64 USA Intel i5-4570 @ 3.20GHz Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB OC kanonopc 60 Playable Game runs flawlessly, with minor drops to 50 when doing cache. in CEMU 1.11.4, had to run in single core compiler
Version OS Version Region CPU GPU Tester FPS Status Additional Notes
1.17.4 Windows 10 x64 USA Intel i7-7700 @ 3.60GHz Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 super 8GB Cemmer 60 Perfect perfectly playable
Version OS Version Region CPU GPU Tester FPS Status Additional Notes
2.0.45 Linux USA Intel Celeron N4000 Intel UHD Graphics 600 VítuTCop 30 Perfect perfectly playable in my potato