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User:Alex jnfi

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Alex_jnfi is a new player in 2024 he needs wii u to make a online account but he doesen't have a wii u to make an online account for cemu so he only plays single player as like splatoon 1 mario kart 8 everything that support single players he can't because he doesn't have a pc but his laptop is for only school and he is using it for gaming and keeps lagging and lagging until he has money to buy a pc but he is using the laptop when he wants to play but he wants his brothers to play mario kart 8 but he cant because cemu does not support split screen so he is finding tutorial from youtube but is hard to find and he keep finding and keep finding but still didnt found he went to play yuzu but he created his account online and he wants to play mario kart 8 deluxe but he wnet to found games but hard and he aint ginving up so he gave up but he made the game have lower graphics low and he is good to go his laptop is not lagging bye this is the end hope you have fun -Alex_jnfi